The Dr. Pat Show: Talk Radio to Thrive By!: Cancer and the Stress Connection with Stress Detective Susan Tyler

The Dr. Pat Show: Talk Radio to Thrive By!: Cancer and the Stress Connection with Stress Detective Susan Tyler

  10/27/2009  10:30 am PST

Unmanaged Stress contributes to Cancer Discover how to protect yourself from getting cancer and if you do have a cancer diagnosis, learn some natural supportive methods you can do to take charge of your health. Diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer 2 years ago, learn what Susan did to turn that around in only four months.


dr pat baccili host of the dr pat show and transformation talk radio network

Dr. Pat Baccili

Dr. Pat Baccili helps individuals and organizations break through their limiting Crust so they can reach their unlimited potential. Her specialty is assisting people face t...

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 Susan Tyler

Susan Tyler

Susan Tyler, CQBS became known as The Stress Detective after being diagnosed with the beginning stages of Multiple Sclerosis in the mid 90s. Susan became determined to find ...

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