Awaken to Your Soul Power with Auriella: Conversaton 1 - The Celestine Prophecy: The Twelfth Insight with James Redfield
02/16/2011 02:00 pm PST
The Twelfth Insight is the fourth book in the Celestine Series that describes a new wave of religous tolerance and integrity that is arriving in reaction to years of religious warefare and corrupton and shows each of us can assist in bringing about this new level of awareness and serenity.
Auriella Auriella
As an international teacher, healer, speaker, and coach, Auriella assists individuals in awakening to their spiritual power and being more empowered in their life. As a very...
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James Redfield
James Redfield was 43 when he published The Celestine Prophecy. He has been keenly interested in human spirituality all of his life. Born on March 19, 1950, he grew up in a ...
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