Archived Episodes
You Are Not Your Physical Body
In this Episode, Gretta, Leigh, Yvonne and the Realm of Beings discuss the quote: "You are not your physical body."
#07 How relationships unleash our subconscious superpowers
In this podcast episode, I have a conversation with two amazing women who work in the health and wellness field. Maritsa Kelley is a therapist, coach, and educator for other therapists and coaches. Kelly Tangarife ...
Do You See Your Glass 1/2 Empty, 1/2 Full or Not at All?
Call in for a reading at 800-930-2819 Watch
Choosing your Empowered Life with special guest- Paula Ann Dev
This is the episode where Pam will be interviewing Paula Ann about her beautiful Soul Led Business. Being that Paula is an intuitive, she has direct access to the energies of the Angels and other invisible he...
What is Scalar Light Energy and How can it help us Heal, with Tom Paladino
Are your ready to take your life back and enjoy your health? Do you want a simple and effective practice whereby you can restore your mental and physical health without any effort on your part? If so, scalar light ...
Recovering Out Loud with Laurie Dhue
Veteran CNN, MSNBC, and FOX News Anchor,
Key Solutions for Relationship Conflict
Do you have a relationship in your life today that feels foggy? You know, that "I'm not sure if I want to stay or go?" feeling. Maybe, you are emotionally twisted about a professional relationship, or perhaps it's ...
Record High Singles and Divorce rate still above 50%, what's going on?
With Divorce at a high clip yr after yr and climbing. Over 5o% and not looking to get better, now we have record amounts of single people in America. So what's going on ya think? We will Discuss Here on the Cuz its...
Living Beyond the Core Wounds with Susan Axelrod and Kornelia Stephanie | Betrayal
BetrayalLiving Beyond the Core Wounds with Susan Axelrod and Kornelia Stephanie When our core wounds meet the physical world, it offers us the opportunity to heal from the tr...
Here’s To Your Health with Joshua Lane
DOUG GODKIN, founder, AMEO LIFE how to use pH balanced structured Silver supplements DAVID TOMEN, researcher...
Jason and Patricia unplugged – join us for a behind the scenes look
Normally our shows are primarily for instruction but for this show we’re going to show you how we work together on a normal basis! We always get together in the morning to work with ...
Besting Yourself: Gaining Power-Ishi Nobu! Dangers of Keeping Unwanted Prescription Drugs...
Ishi Nobu discusses his book Besting Yourself: Gaining Power! Writing extensively on science and scientific spiritualism, this self-help book cuts to the chase, revealing what your mind ha...
What got you into spirituality
Tune in this week for stories of people on the path – as well as our own accounts of, and reflections on, the great journey to God-consciousness. Can you recognize some of your own story in them too?
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you tell to your children and grandchildren, your neighbors, and your customers are stories of how your life ...
Friday, April 21, 2023
Host: Kornelia Stephanie
Guests: Kevin Dupree , Margaret Fields , Demetria Buie , Dawn Pick Benson
The Gifts of an Identity Crisis
My guest host, Evelyn Knight ,will be sharing how (almost) all of us will experience an identity crisis in our lives. You have a choice whether that crisis will be a blessing or a curse. An identity crisis can be a...
66. Back to the Basics
Join me today as I do a deep dive into the importance of the BASICS. Regardless of your goal, the fundamentals must not be discounted. I am also going to share why it is that we resist the basics, as if...
Tragedy is an Illusion
In this Episode, Gretta, Leigh, Yvonne and The Realm of Beings discuss the quote: "Release all sense of tragedy within you. Also, do not see it in others."
Breaking the Cycle: A Story of Transformation and Redemption
Breathe in, for in the midst of the darkness, there's light. A beacon of hope that shines even in the deepest pits of despair. This podcast is a tale of resilience and redemption, a story of a person who broke free...
Don't Let Anything Eclipse Your Light
Call in for a reading at 800-930-2819 Watch
Busting the Blocks to Goal Achievement
Goals are essential for business growth. Often we stumble and fail on the way to our goals. Here are six top blocks to goal achievement and the keys to over come them. With some awareness and a li...
Transformation and the power of horses with my special guest- Katherine Finley
In this episode, Pam will be interviewing Katherine about how life is in Costa Rica, how her coaching program is developing, and what goodies she is creating now. As a Transfomation Coach specializing ...
Dr. Diane Interviews Susie Bagwell on the Benefits of Essential Oil Wellness Products
Learn about the many uses of essential oils for health, home care, and pets.
Author Talk - I'm Tired of Racism
I'm Tired of Racism: True Stories of Existing While Black by Sharon Hurley Hall, antiracism activist, writer, and educator. ...
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
Host: Anita Russell M.Ed
Co-Hosts: Mavis Bauman, Gail Hunter LCSW
Guest: Sharon Hurley Hall