Archived Episodes
Learn How to Turbocharge Your Confidence
I'm Dr. Steve Simpson and you are listening to Zen & the Art of NLP on Transformation Talk Radio. Our headline topic today is ‘The Power of Confidence.’
Inspiring Love and Self Worth
Can you truly say you love yourself and feel worthy to go out and fulfill all those dreams that are circling in your mind, body, and soul? Let's have a discussion about loving ourselves and knowing that we are wort...
The "How To" For Relationship Patience with Guest (husband) Joe M.
Have you ever hit a wall in a relationship? You know - "they" aren't changing fast enough and you are spending hours in an emotional "fight or flight" mode? Are you the couple that is considering therapy - but secr...
Recovery & Healing: Believing In The Possibility!
In this episode, Angie will be providing some spiritual insight and biblical guidance to individuals who are battling some form of addiction. The purpose of the information that will be shared during this episode i...
The Good, Bad and the Ugly of Behavioral Health Care with Dr. James Flowers CEO JFlowers ...
Nearly 1 in 3 adults had either a substance use disorder or some form of mental illness in the past year, and 46 percent of young adults 18-25 had either a substance use disorder or a mental illness. Today my guest...
3 Blocks to Manifesting and How to Overcome Them!
Learn a better way to manifest! Dr. Pat and I discuss how to easily overcome 3 common blocks and ride the paradoxical wave to unlimited abundance and prosperity! Have questions about m...
Guest Kathryn Hudson and I talk about cultivating natural forces, Findhorn, crystals, and...
Kathryn talks about the power of the natural world. She tells how to connect with the forces of nature as well as angels in the unseen world. Watch Here:
Every Silver Lining has a Cloud with Scott Stevens
Best-selling author, Scott Stevens talks about his personal struggles with alcohol and recovery in his second book, Every Silver Lining has a Cloud. Tune in to hear his Illuminating, insightful, refle...
Heart Intelligence: The Harmony of Heart and Mind
At its core, heart intelligence is the synergy that emerges when we align our cognitive processes with the intuitive guidance and emotional insights provided by our hearts. We'll explore this topic and how it...
A Sprinkle of Responsibility
In this episode of "A Sprinkle of Responsibility," we delve into the transformative concept of E + R = O (Event + Response = Outcome) from Jack Canfield's "The Success Principles." I share personal stories of how c...
JOLIE ROOT CARLSON sustainability and Fish oil ARTHUR FIRSTENBERG, ...
5 Levels of Wealth? Another perspective?
I recently read this article about the stages of wealth and at first blush it made sense, but when I applied my knowledge of human beings using refined intuition a much different picture e...
Finding magic in the mundane
In this episode we’ll be diving into the topic of finding magic in the mundane and inviting this energy into daily life. I’ll cover a few different things within thi...
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you tell to your children and grandchildren, your neighbors, and your customers are stories of how your life ...
Friday, April 19, 2024
Host: Kornelia Stephanie
Guests: Dr. Letitia Wright , Dr. Marcia Martin Ph.D., Soodabeh Mokry , Mikkel Leslie
Vitamin G for Self-Care with special guest, Marilena Minucci, international trainer for h...
Self-care is a word we hear a lot lately, and with good reason. It's what goes out the window every time we feel stressed, yet it's the #1 thing we need to prioritize in order to prevent stress in the first place! ...
118: Embracing Authenticity-Breaking Free from the 'Fine' Facade
Join us on a journey to uncover the hidden truth behind the societal addiction to being "fine." In today's fast-paced world, we've been conditioned to dismiss our true emotions with the blanket label of "fine." But...
Is the Grass Really Greener on the Other Side?
Quote: It is important to stay focused on yourself because you are the one that creates your personal reality. It is easy to compare yourself to others and perceive that they are d...
Gems: 4 Steps To Go From Grief To Joy with special guest Brian Smith
When a loved one dies, we can often feel lost, with no sense of direction. There are four practices you can be today to help get you back on your path. Watch Here:
What is Transformative Self-Care?
In this episode, I talk about the three pillars of transformative self-care. The word “self-care” has been co-opted and thrown about somewhat recklessly lately. I’v...
"How Can I Make Better Decisions?"
Ever grow tired of having to make so many choices? Ever waste time poring over a past decision, as if you could redo it? While a few rare leaders relish the chance to decide anything & everything, most of us re...
Animal Communication with special guest- Kelly Martin
How do animals assist us on our journey? Kelly Martin will be sharing with us how she intuitively knows how to communicate with you beloved pets. She will be sharing her healing journey that allowed her...
When High Achievers Want More
Dr. Pat has been my co-host for the first few episodes and she’s been asking me most of the questions. In today’s episode, I’m putting her in the hot seat so we can hear from the ultimate high ach...