Archived Episodes
Bladder, Lungs and Sinus with Medical Intuitive Mary Jane Mack
Mary Jane Mack will discuss how the bladder can affect your breathing which affects your lungs. Also the connection of the bladder and your sinus's.
Ending Blocks to Creativity with Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer of Access Consciousness
What have you let stand in the way of writing that book you have been desiring to write? Or beginning the project you always talk about? Join Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer for tools and processing to begin changing t...
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Hosts: Dr. Pat Baccili, Access Consciousness
Guests: Gary Douglas , Dr. Dain Heer
To do the impossible - you must first believe it IS possible
New York Times best sel...
I Believe: When What You Believe Matters by New York Times best selling author Eldon Taylor fully reveals the extent to which our inner controller dictates success or failure in every aspect of our lives. This discove...
Your Problems - are an energy pattern - Dr. Alex Loyd of The Healing Codes
Most people consider their problems as something physical, a tumor, cancer, a sore throat, etc. Dr. Alex will share with you that the problem you think as the problem, isn't really the problem.
Unlocking the Ancient Power of Your Birthday with author Thomas Poppe
Based on the European bestselling book THE CODE, now available for the first time in the US, the authors reveal the ancient knowledge passed down to Johanna's family of Tyrolean farmers. Going beyond simple numerology...
Angel Action for the Holidays with The Angel Lady Sue Storm
The angels are active this time of year. Helping us stay calm and yet be efficient. Lean techniques for alleviating stress and being productive at the same time. This is a time for family, joy, and prosperity. Welcome...
Healing the Self with Mychael Shane and The Ascension Foundation
Mychael brings the teachings of the Ascended Masters through his Transphysical Phenomena Mediumship and is the founder of the New Ascension Foundation Healing and Educational Center
The spiritual lessons learned as a court mediator - Fire It Up With CJ Liu Host on Transf...
CJ reveals to Dr. Pat how being a mediator allowed her to follow her heart and listen to the spirits that were calling her. Becoming immersed in people's real life challenges taught her a lot about people and how to c...
The 5 keys to Your Supermodel Body, Skinny or Otherwise with Sarah DeAnna
Contrary to popular belief, most models don't have eating disorders and drug addictions. Nor are they anymore blessed than the rest of the world. Come walk with me down the runway I walk and discover the "real" reason...
The power that made the body...heals the body Dr. Steven Thain of WellnessOne
Dr. Thain is going to discuss 'Innate Intelligence' - what is it, what does it do, how does it do what it does - why does it do what it does - how do you tap into that 'power' and really become the greatest YOU that Y...
Essential oils for Aromatherapy, Sleep, Stress-Relief, and Immunity with Katya Difani of ...
The power of scent can help improve your love life, sense of well-being, immunity, and quality of sleep Essential oils are powerful compounds that can have beneficial effects on our body and mind and on this show, we...
Spinal Decompression with Dr. Steven Thain of Wellness One
You've heard about it, probably. Does it really work - How does it work - Who is a candidate for it - What kind of success rate is there - How long has it been around? These and many more questions will be answered.
The Art of Extreme Self-Care: Transform Your Life One Month at a Time with Cheryl Richardson
Encore: Cheryl Richardson offers you 12 strategies to transform your life one month at a time. Designed as a practical, action-oriented program, each chapter challenges you to alter one behavior that keeps getting you...
Done with love? How to break-through the fear of getting hurt again with Dr. Friedemann S...
Are you afraid of falling in love? Maybe you have been disappointed or wounded one time too many and are no longer willing to make yourself vulnerable. Listen to breakthrough and empowerment expert Dr. Friedemann Scha...
Moving toward Success with The Angel Lady Sue Storm
Learn about new tools to jump-start progress toward success. Follow your dreams and watch them happen with Angel First Aid.
Patience: The Act of Peaceful Living with Allan Lokos
To survive the roller coaster ride of life with its annoyances, delays, and ever-changing shifts from pleasure to pain, gain to loss, and praise to blame requires a substantial depth of patience. Yet just when we need...
Encore: Marriage Rules: A Manual for the Married and the Coupled Up by Harriet Lerner Ph.D.
Marriage Rules offers new solutions to age-old problems, "He won't talk," "She doesn't want sex," as well as modern ones such as your partner's relationship to technology.
Gratitude's journey towards optimal Health - The relationship between Gratitude and the s...
How about changing the way we look at the meaning of Health, both on a personal level and on a business level. By expressing our Gratitude on everything that we have in our life, we change our vibrational frequency an...
Opening of The Veil, Masters of the Light Amongst Us with Mychael Shane and The Ascension...
Center will offer the Ascended Masters teachings through the Transphysical Phenomena Mediumship of Mychael Shane. The new center will offer a community of higher learning, education, and healing where classes, events,...
"Visionary Shamanism: Activating the Imaginal Cells of the Human Energy Field with Linda ...
In her new book, Visionary Shamanism: Activating the Imaginal Cells of the Human Energy Field, Star Wolf shares her vision of how we can activate the "imaginal cells" of who we are becoming and actually give birth to ...