Archived Episodes
Stay Remote? Go Hybrid? Leadership Challenges & Dilemmas in These Times with Special Gues...
As leaders make decisions about how to transition out of the 1st 18 months of the pandemic, with the Delta variant surging in many places, how can leaders and supervisors create inclusive, productive work environme...
008: Gluten | What the Wheat!?!?
Wheat has not been a staple in the lives of humans for very long. In fact, in 60 years it went from hardly consumed to being part of every meal. Have our body’s taken a hit as a result?
Self Realization and The Inner Child: Part 6 with Kornelia Stephanie and Nadine Searle
If you are anything like me, you are faced with meeting your inner child, the one who has been crying for your attention all your life is yearning for your love and approval. The wounded inner child is calling so t...
Entrepreneurship with Special Guest Chrissy Hoover
Chrissy's interests include fitness and nutrition. She strongly believe in living an active and healthy lifestyle. She is also interested in sustainability, environmental ethics, and charities that benefit animals....
Beauty From Within, Youth Sports, and Blood Money
JOYCE MORAN, YOUTHEORY beauty from within JULIE STAMM, PhD author, The Brain on Youth Sports how to protect young athletes CHRIS REIDEL, aut...
Encore: Choosing Your Empowered Life Episode 3, Co-Hosted by Husband and Co-Producer Davi...
The theme for the 2nd Monday of every month is called Choosing Your Empowered Life! We will keep updating you on the progress of..The Empower Me Game™!...
Discrediting energy work, how dark energy does it!
We are going to describe how dark energy has discredited energy work, which includes alternative medicine! The ironic part is the biggest advocates and supporters of alternative medicine are complicit in this proce...
Me? A Two-Year Old? with Nancy Landrum
Managing the Two-Year Old Within. Watch live on Facebook.
Bad Love Medicine with Kevin L. Schewe, MD, FACRO
Critically acclaimed sci-fi series does it again with Kevin L. Schewe's new book! Bad Love Medicine packs thrilling, early 20th century history with a romp through space and time. Russian spies, Nazi plots, alien p...
#17 "The Physical and Mental Roadmap To Enlightenment
Like anything worth attaining in life, Enlightenment is not something that just happens to you; it is the result of consciously working with every fibre of your being towards this awesome spiritual goal. But h...
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Watch live on Facebook. Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we ...
The Body and How She is Always Talking to Us
My guest, Michele Laine, and I will talk about the body's wisdom. Your body is so wise and she will tell you what she needs. What does it feel like to feel completely whole?! Michele will show you how to create a l...
Conversation with Wyatt Larsen about Storytelling as a Healing Tool
Welcome to Blue Lightning Healing Meditations! Wyatt Larsen of the Wildwood Hollow and I talked about how recognizing ou...
Encore: Interview with Richard Gordon, Founder of Quantum-Touch
How do you use Quantum-Touch effectively in your daily life? Need a dose of inspiration? Each Thursday, join Jennifer Noel Taylor, Chief Magical Officer of Quantum-Touch, as she interviews Quantum-Touch...
I Died and Lived To Tell About It with Dr. PMH Atwater
As a woman in Near Death Studies and in a male dominated field, PMH discusses the hurdles to advance her work. She has conducted nearly 5,000 case studies of children as well as adults having a near death expeirnce...
Are you afraid you may be an imposter?
How often as you start something, maybe something new, and once you start to experience some success…. You start to doubt yourself, you begin to think you are a fraud, that you are not good enough? May...
Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Images Released-Dr. Velkinburgh & LaPrevotte!
Dr. JC van Velkinburgh and Debra LaPrevotte discuss new evidence from the report and the ongoing release of scientifically-authenticated UAP recordings from the Genesis 2 Project. First Scientifically Authenticated...
Day One: Starting With the End in Mind…with Special Guest Joan Marlow
7 Habits of Highly Effective People,’ by Stephen Covey, will always be the primer to finding your ‘true north,’ your personal direction in life and the path to achieve it. As we create our persona...
The New Psychology of Aging: Living Younger Part 2
Watch me LIVE on Facebook. Go to &n...
Judgement Day
Let's talk about judgement. What do you judge? Why do we judge? Is there a place for judgement? A raw and lively discussion with two special guests - Julia & Stacie.
Emotions = Energy In Motion
You upset me by acting that way so thats why I threw my energy at you ! Wow your energy was so thick last night, that's why I left early. I had this sad feeling all night and couldn't sleep.
100 of the Worst Ideas in History-Smith! Sepsis Experiments On Animals-Dr. Trunnell!
Michael N. Smith discusses his new audio book 100 of the Worst Ideas in History: Humanity’s Thundering Brainstorms Turned Blundering Brainfarts! Veteran entertainers bring you history like you've never heard ...