Archived Episodes
The Little Things
There is a beautiful quote that says, “Enjoy the little things, for one day you will look back and realize they were the big things”. In this episode of Get Big Out Loud we will explore the idea of &lsq...
Episode 6: Future Reflection
This week we will be diving in with a longer recovery moment focused on the future. You will have an opportunity to spend some time with your future self. Get ready to learn from them and reflect on how far you hav...
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Watch live on Facebook. Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you tell to your children and grandchildren...
How to Integrate Faith and Mental Health
My guest, Cameisha Brewer, shares how she was thrust into adulthood before she was 18 years old. She lost both parents, had no grandparents, and no one to turn to. Growing up in the South, an...
Interview with Ari Hunniford of Awkwardly Zen
Welcome to Blue Lightning Healing Meditations Oh My. Gosh! I am so happy to have Ari Hunniford on Blue Lightning Healing...
Introduction to the Quotes from The Realm of Beings
In this episode, Gretta, Leigh and Yvonne discuss the quotes that were previously channeled from The Realm of Beings. This lively discussion includes information on how the quotes be...
Manifesting Miracles
How do you use Quantum-Touch effectively in your daily life?
How do I handle the fear that comes with age and the anxiety it brings? with Guest Wendi ...
Guest Wendi Cooper discusses ageism, how to handle fear that comes with age and the anxiety it brings, and sharing your fears with loved ones.
Angels Supply Unlimited Resources with The Angel Lady Sue Storm
All the Angels provide for unlimited resources. In particular, Lucian is the Angel of Resources and Timothy is the Angel of Good Fortune. Angels are always available to create new opportunities for additional abund...
Leading With Love - How To Make A Global Impact From The Heart with Amber Mikesell
In a world dominated by “Thought Leaders" and “Power Players,” is it possible to be a successful leader if you choose to lead from the heart? According to current research and the amazing success ...
The Amazing Possibilities with Stem Cell Treatment with Dr. Chadwick Prodromos
Ever wondered about stem cell treatment? Who is it for and who is it not for? Explore the safety and efficacy of this novel modality and what future developments are on the horizon for stem cell therapies.
Alchemy of Stones with Robert Simmons (Meditate with the Stone Beings)
Ready to cocreate with the Stone People? Learn how so much wisdom and power can be gained from connecting deeply with the energies and intelligences of Stones. Robert Simmons, renowned author of books of th...
Post Pandemic Customer Experience-Ashley Ross! A Summer Classic-Bew White!
Ashley Ross shares how the customer experience will forever be changed in a post-pandemic world and discusses what consumers are expecting from the brands they support and how customer experience i...
Leading EDI Efforts in These Times: An Engaging Conversation with Alfred Ramirez, Preside...
I am excited to welcome Alfred Ramirez, President, Diverse Strategies Now to the Show! We will explore effective strategies to lead EDI and social justice in these challenging times! * your approach...
Encore: Spontaneous SOUL Sharing with the MA TU RA
It is always an amazing sharing with MA TU RA the RAWthentic Warrior! No script no topic no direction - We are Two True Kins - connecting and allowing SPIRIT to have their say and WAY.
IVF Specialist - Special Guest Lisa White
Those who are walking the path of infertility and IVF know how hard this journey can be. You're often left with unanswered questions and uncertain how you are going to make it through. You're challenged in more way...
Core Values
Core Beliefs & Core Values From our beliefs we derive our values, which can either be correct or incorrect when compared with evidence, but nonetheless hold true for us. Joined by Korneli...
The Power of Intention with Dr. Greg Hammer
Dr. Greg Hammer explains how setting positive intentions may relieve chronic diseases, heal emotional wounds, and facilitate success. What is my intention? We would be well served by posing this question to ourselv...
The Afterlife Frequency: with Mark Anthony
The Psychic Lawyer Takes You on a Quest for Answers — and Finds ThemMark Anthony bridges the divide between faith and science in this fascinating afterlife exploration, taking you around the globe, from...
Truth Bombs and Coffee with Kornelia Stephanie and Dr. Brook Sheehan: Episode 4
The world is divided. Humanity is hurting. We have lost sight of our inner knowingness and have lost sight of who we are. Tune in as we explore current events and truth-seeking. Timestamps:&n...
Truth Bombs and Coffee with Kornelia Stephanie and Dr. Brook Sheehan: Episode 5
Truth Bombs and Coffee with Kornelia Stephanie and Dr. Brook Sheehan: Episode 3 00:00.hello everyone 00:20 hearing some amazing feedback. Keep it coming whether you agree or whether y...
Self Realization and The Inner Child: Part 8 with Kornelia Stephanie and Nadine Searle
Have you connected with your inner child? The one who has been crying for your attention all your life is yearning for your love and approval. The wounded inner child is calling so that it fi...
Black Health Matters, Athletic Performance, and Vaccine Safety
RICHARD WALKER, M.D. author, BLACK HEALTH MATTERS How to overcome the most common health challenges facing African Americans DON Mclaughlin, founder, PURE POWER BOTANICALS...