Archived Episodes
Memories - sometimes they can hurt you, what’s the answer?
Memories and memory can play a major role in our life. Science works with the physical parts of the brain but misses the most important part which is the energy of m...
Selfies - what selfies tell us about human nature!
This is the selfie generation but what is the lesson for human nature? As Intuitives we see that selfies represent a trend with human nature that has significant imp...
Black Sheep - are you a black sheep? Here’s the answer!
Have you ever considered yourself the Black Sheep? In a programing culture, where we’re told how to act, and what to think, it’s easy to be the black sheep. Often the best of us are the black sheep of t...
Freedom - real freedom is NOT political, its internal
A lot has been said about freedom these days, especially in the political realm! We have observed over the years, there is a lack of freedom in relationships and its almost epidemic! Many have allowed themselves to...
Us! - the back story about us with our philosophy and pet peeves
So many people have asked us about our relationship and how we live day-to-day! We will talk about how we got started, our daily life and some of our philosophies and pet peeves. You’ll find this a fascinatin...
Objectives - is there a natural way to pursue objectives?
Most of what’s written about pursuing objectives is some form of programing and treating yourself like a machine. Is there a natural way that doesn’t require artificial motivation, force or some form of...
Essence part 2 - What would you be like if you were using your Essence daily
Our Essence or soul is not something we normally consider on our daily life. As Intuitives, we can see what it would be like if Essence was part of day-to-day activi...
Essence - soul or essence has practical benefits for everyday life!
Many people talk about soul or Essence in romantic and lofty terms but what about using it in everyday life for practical purposes? If you take away religion or spirituality away what about using it for your real g...
Health part 3 - contrasting traditional and alternative medicine and how to heal with both!
The debate continues; traditional medicine versus alternative medicine, understanding both. Our unique perspective can help you navigate the differences and have bet...
Health part 2 - What really are germs, syndromes, disease and incurables?
Last week we looked at health in a way that you haven’t heard before. In part 2 of our series on Health, we will look at what motivates germs, viruses, bacteri...
Health part 1 - an amazing definition and approach that you haven’t heard before!
The problem is with the definition. The problem is with the approach. Why most health strategies are doomed to fail....
Parenting part 3 - parenting for difficult children, at difficult stages!
The most frustrating situations are during adolescence but parent often follow the teaching or model of their parents or “experts” both of which are highly unsatisfactory!
Parenting part 2 - deep dive into parenting in the womb and for babies
We don’t normally think about about parenting for pregnancy and newborns. Our parenting approach is perfect for young children and helps answer the question ab...
Parenting part 1 - A natural way to do parenting!
We’ll discuss a broad framework for how parenting should happen in a way that is the most effective and in alignment with how humans are designed. What is snow plow parenting and is there an Ecosystem Approac...
Discovery part 2 - applying this discovery to your life!
In part one we described this amazing discovery that is the root source of human dysfunction and frankly all of your struggles and challenges. For part two we’...
Discovery part 1 - the amazing discovery that will change how you view the world
This discovery will call into question many commonly held beliefs. It’s about the dysfunction contained in your soul or Essence.
Self-Knowledge part 3 - the most important aspect of your life!
Self-knowledge is critical in today’s world. Bad decisions regarding marriage, work, education all come from a lack of self-knowledge.
Self-knowledge part 2 - how to get this knowledge when the deck is stacked against you!
The lack of self-knowledge is epidemic in the world today but the part that is missing is the ability to take the knowing of talents and abilities and implement them in the world.
Self-knowledge - the most important knowledge you can have in your lifetime!
We have always stressed the importance of self-knowledge in your life. All the major decisions you make require this important knowing. The heartaches connected to r...
The Enneagram part 2 - dig deeper into the unlimited possibilities for you!
In part 2 of the Enneagram, we’ll talk about using this tool as a road map for real growth and how it can be an all-purpose approach to everything in your life!
The Enneagram - an amazing personality tool made for the Ecosystem Approach!
The Enneagram is an important tool to understand personality. We use it because its key to the understanding of individual Ecosystems. The Enneagram personality typi...
Love - we all need it - here’s the best way to get it.
All you need is love - right? Well it may not be all you need but it’s pretty important! We’ll discuss how to get it, keep it and create more of it. We&r...
Distractions - everyone is distracted, often at the worst time, here’s the solution!
We live in a world where everyone is doing two or three or more things at once. Distractions, frenzy, and the inability to focus are epidemic.
Sugar - Part 2 - the enemy for all diet failures - real solutions!
Up to now all weight loss attempts fail with more weight being gained in the aftermath of those attempts that didn’t work. The villain - SUGAR!